Genderhealthclinic forms together with Genderhealthcare and other genderclinic’s a Genderteam for transgendercare or gendercare. Genderhealthclinic specializes in hormonetherapy
Our Genderteam’s Promises for genderhealthcare
Tailord Genderhealthcare
Our care fits itself around youTailord Genderhealthcare
Our genderclinic will support to trans persons with the best hormontherapy within our genderclinic. We plan together with you the appointments for your treatment at our clinic. If you want to have contact almost everything online or fully face2face or a mingle between those to uttest: we adjust ourselves to your situation as much as possible. We’ll be reachable from 8am to 8pm via the phone for administrative questions and our treatment team is reachable between 9am and 5.30pm
Genderhealthcare specialist
We are driven to deliver gender specialized careGenderhealthcare specialist
Our Genderclinic is specialized in genderhealthcare. That means that our medical specialist are trained to help with genderhealthcare. Also our organization is run by people with knowing by heart the issues of trans persons. Our genderteam has a high representation of the LGBTIQA community. With our genderteam we can give you the best genderhealthcare in our genderclinic that is needed.Genderhealthcare network
We work closely with partners to deliver outstanding genderhealthcareGenderhealthcare network
Genderhealthclinic specializes in the medical part of your genderhealthcare. Together with genderhealthcare and later on with other Mental Healthcare or Specialized Genderteams and Genderclinics we will help you with Genderhealthcare. Together with other medical specialized care institutes, we offer specialized care for trans persons.A thrive for quality
Genderhealthcare works everyday hard to deliver you high QualityA thrive for quality
You and your wishes are central point for us in providing healthcare for you. The genderteam of our genderclinic is constant listening to the wishes of our clients and moreover working on constant improvement to provide the highest quality for trans persons. Also we are using ISO processes which are calibrated on the ZKN norms (including hygiene audits) to guide our team to achieve the maximum quality. Also our employees are encouraged to come up with improvements or signals if something needs to be improved.
Our genderclinic’s healthcare services for genderhealthcare
Hair removal
Late 2023/ 2024 we will start with our own hair removal specialists
Facial Surgery
We are currently talking with some other doctors to start offering high quality Facial Surgery in 2024. New updates will follow soon
Our internist is working closely with you to provide you with the hormones that you need. You will get a first appointnment in which you will talk with our internist about the hormone treatment but also about fertility possibilities. During this first session, your bodyweight and lenght, your bloodpressure will be measured. You will get a bloodkit send to your home address. Once the results are in, you will have a session of 15 minutes. Also you will be invites together with the psychologist and psychiaters and your directing therapist for a Multidisciplinairy meeting in which you will get the go once is everything fine. After you will be provided a subscription for the pharmacist. IN the beginning, once per quarter this cycle will repeat itself, expect there will be no need for a multidisciplinairy meetings anymore. After one year, such a meetings will only take place when you consider additional surgeries.
We will work together with several surgeons in and outside of the European Union. This network will be built up in 2023 to start in 2024. More information will follow next year (2023). This and next year we will refer to other clinics like Medisch Kliniek Velzen, MC Bloemendaal, VUmc or UMCG.
Genderteam of Genderhealthclinic helps you to become your authentic self.
Frequently asked questions about our gender-affirming care in our genderclinic:
Genderhealthclinic is negotiating for contracts will have contract with ONVZ for 2025. From 01-01-2025 Menzis replied to our concerns and we started to negotiate for a contract 2025.
We also send letter of emergency to the following health insurers for 2025:
- Achmea (Zilverenkruis)
- CZ
We will nog close contract with:
- Eno
- Zorg&Zekerheid
- Caresq (EUcare)
The following tariffs are charged when a client has an unconctracted health insurer:
- 15E466: Diagnostics – €2100
- 15E467: Intake – €525
- 15E891 : Real life phase check up – €1050
- 15E892: Follow up after real life phase – €525
With the health insurers that do sign a contract with us, we negotiate and agree on individual price agreements. This means the price your health insurer paid, might differ from the ones you see mentioned here above. This will be visible on your bill.
We are working together with the following network partners:
- MK Velzen Noord for SRS surgeries for MtF trans persons
- MC Bloemendaal for mascetomie surgery.
- Facial team for Facial surgery.
- VUmc for SRS surgery for FtM perons
We do referrals to the following network partners:
- Genderteam VUmc for genderaffirming surgeries
- Genderteam UMCG for genderaffirming surgeries
Genderhealthclinic is situated in Utrecht. For checkups you need to travel to Utrecht. The rest of communication will take place as much as possible online.
We are currently working to see if we can use more and more proven technology so we can do the consults online for hormone therapy.
Genderness has installed a clientcouncil which will work with both Genderhealthcare and Genderhealthclinic. The council exists of a minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 members. The clientcouncil discusses important subjects concerning the improvement of the quality of the provided care as well as the organization itself, together with the boardmembers. At the moment we have found one client council member and one president. We welcome you to contact us to join the client council.
You can reach Meike van IJzendoorn with any questions concerning this topic, via Meike.vanijzendoorn@genderness.com
Do you have any ideas you want to share with us, regardering your journey with Genderhealthclinic? Is there something missing in the care we provide, that you think is essential? Do you have suggestions on making our locations more reachable or improve its accessibility? Is there any information missing on our website that you think we should add? Don’t hesitate! Get in contact with our quality- and compliance officer Meike van IJzendoorn, by sending her an e-mail or by filling out our VIM Formulier.
Have you encountered a situation in your contact with Genderhealthclinic, that has made you feel uncomfortable or unsafe? Or are you aware of a situation that you feel requires attention? Please know we find it very important to prevent or resolve any type of these situations, which is why we want to ask you to report them. You can do so by contacting the quality- and compliance officer Meike van IJzendoorn, by sending her an e-mail or by filling out our VIM Formulier.
You can request access to your file via info@genderhealthcare.com. Our care planners will then make your file available for you in the client portal.
You login via this link on to our clientportal.
The following proces can be followed, in case of any form of complaints occuring within Genderhealthclinic:
- Talk to your therapist. If you would like assistence with this, you can contact our complaint officer. They can talk you through these steps. Contact them via info@genderhealthcare.com.
- You can always follow any of the two following steps;
- An Internal complaint procedure, in which our compliance officer will help you through all the steps. You can read about this proces on the algemene voorwaarden pagina .
- An External complaint procedure via Klachtenportaal zorg: This organisation takes care of our external complaint procedure. You can find more information here: here.
- If both of these options didn’t help you the way you wanted, you can contact the Geschillencommissie. Click hier for more information.
If you have any questions regarding this topic, call us on +31 88 2448 200 or contact us via info@genderhealthcare.com with subject: complaints.
To be able to process all the administration regarding your trjectory, we need to have all the correct information about you as soon as possible. If anything changes in your personal information (gender, name, adress, other) or if you change your health insurance and/or policy, we want to ask you to inform us of this as soon as possible via zorgplanning@genderhealthcare.com.
This depends on which healthcare. So please click on the healthcare services to see what the process is.
You can contact us on info@genderhealthclinic.com.
(Recurring) Prescription request
Request a prescription by the button on this website page. Please also let us know if any of your basic details have changed since you started treatment at genderhealthclinic. This may cause a hick-up in the National Switch Point. It is essential that the combination of your BSN, your legal gender designation, your initials and your surname are correct.
Blood test form
Request a blood test form by emailing info@genderhealthclinic.com stating which blood test lab and blood test location you want to go to. Please also clearly mention the deadline for this in your e-mail. Please also let us know if any of your basic information has changed since you started treatment at genderhealthclinic. This may cause a hick-up in the subsequent processing of your blood results. It is essential that the combination of your BSN, your legal gender designation, your initials and your surname are correct.
Our hormone therapy is performed by Caterine de Medici and Danielle Steenvoorden and Lode Ruts. Danielle Steenvoorden is an experienced endocrinologist and as an integrative medicine also has an eye for physical consequences. Caterine is an experienced gynaecologist Both are committed healthcare professionals with our clients. Lode Ruts is a nursing specialist who has eloborated experience in Genderhealth with the Genderteam Antwerp and Radboud UMC. We have partnerships with the gender clinic of the VUmc and are members of the northern network of endocrinologists of the UMCG. Caterine works 2 days and Danielle works 1 day a week.
We have noticed that dispite making our no-show policy more strict, there are often clients that do not show up to planned appointments without giving notice. That’s why from now on you will get a confirmation of your appointment via email, an extra email as a reminder before your appointment as well as an sms on your phone 24 hours beforehand. This will give you all the opportunities to cancel or reschedule your meeting if this is neccessary. If you do not show up to your appointment and have not given us notice in advance that you won’t be able to attent, we will charge you the full amount of the appointment.
You can best reach Genderhealthclinic at: by calling +31 (0) 88 244 8800 or via email: info@genderhealthcare.com.
Please contact us at info@genderhealthcare.com with the topic: “i want to help”.
- If you are a professional, to see all of our vacancies online please visit our linkedin page.
- If you are a client: please mail us or make an appointment at our website for more information.
For other questions, call our colleagues at +31 (0) 88 244 8200
Available blood test locations of Genderhealthclinic's partnering Blood labs within your area